Latest news from the National Composites Centre
Read the latest news from our Composites, Digital Engineering and Sustainability programmes at the National Composites Centre (NCC).
Welcome to the NCC Newsletter - In this edition you can catch up on the latest news from our Composites, Digital Engineering and Sustainability teams at the NCC. Announcing the launch of the Joule Challenge, Bridge of the Future and iCast projects to the NCC 5G-Encode industrial test bed and Digital Learning Factories programmes, we have lots of news to share with you.
With a busy quarter ahead, we have a range of events and training programmes taking place from Immersive Design Collaboration to our specialist composite training courses, where you can meet, collaborate and engage with us virtually and in-person.
Our core research and development strategy plays a key role in innovation, uncovering new opportunities, and fostering competitive advantage to help UK companies to build sustainable products and services. Here, we have shared a small selection of the most recent case studies, innovation impacts and opinion articles from our teams.
As 2021 draws to a close, we would like to wish everyone a safe and peaceful Christmas and New Year. We look forward to working with you in 2022.
Read the latest news from our Composites, Digital Engineering and Sustainability programmes at the National Composites Centre (NCC).
Join us at future events and specialist composite training courses where you can meet, collaborate and engage with us virtually and in-person.
Read the communications from our core research and strategic programmes that share information about new technologies, materials, and innovations.