
National Cyber-Physical Infrastructure Frameworks, Standards and Guidance Workshop

Wednesday, 10 Jul 2024

National Composites Centre


The National Cyber-Physical Infrastructure (NCPI) Frameworks, Standards and Guidance Workshop is taking place at the National Composites Centre, 10 July, 9.30-4.30pm.

This final workshop in the series covers one of the identified enablers for an effective national cyber-physical infrastructure ecosystem. It will explore the ambition and scope top-level recommendations and funding priorities for frameworks, standards, and guidance.

9.30 Arrival and refreshments
10.00 NCPI programme introduction/perspectives
10.30 Workshop session 1 (standardisation)
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Workshop session 2 (frameworks and guidance)
14:15 Short break
14:30 Panel discussion to discuss outcomes and identify next steps
15:30 Networking / Tour
16:30 Event closes

The Frameworks, Standards and Guidance Workshop is part of a series of events from the National Cyber-Physical Infrastructure (NCPI) ecosystem programme, bringing together different voices from industry and building opportunities for collaboration.

These events have been built on themes and learnings from the Cyber-Physical Future Forum, together with the enablers identified by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology in the NCPI report, and guidance from the Cyber-Physical Consultation Response.

What can we achieve?
By working together, we encourage shared learnings, best practices and creation of synergies towards joined-up cross-sector, cross-technology and cross-disciplinary innovation. We can set out how we design, build, develop and connect capabilities such as digital twins, spatial computing / metaverse and robotic / autonomous systems and develop common goals to address systemic challenges and opportunities with mutual benefits, meeting industry demands and creating better societal outcomes.

We want to know - what are the high-level principles that can be established across sectors that will play a fundamental part in creating the new possibilities to support our decision-making processes? The event will consist of speakers panels, networking opportunities and a tour of NCC. 

The NCPI ecosystem programme is run by Digital Catapult, Connected Places Catapult and the High Value Manufacturing Catapult and supported by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.


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