24 June 2024

In celebration of International Women in Engineering Day 2024, Business West featured some members of the Bristol Initiative to share their stories and experiences. We’re incredibly proud to have the brilliant Hannah Swinbourne, Research Engineer and Co-lead of the Women’s Led Network at the National Composites Centre share her story.
International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) was first launched by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) as a national initiative. After year-by-year growth, the day has reached global audiences and achieved UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) patronage.
According to Hannah Swinbourne:
“INWED is an important reminder to check in on the successes and ongoing areas for improvement when it comes to equality in engineering.
“It is an excellent opportunity to continue to champion the work women do as tangible role models for the next generation. It is also vital that we’re always on the lookout for what we can do better, including being better allies and stronger champions of under-represented groups in engineering.
“Being on the lookout for ongoing improvements is important because as a young female engineer - both while at University and a few occasions in my career - I have faced inappropriate comments, being spoken over and felt like my views were being ignored. I want to stop others from ever having to feel the same.”
Find out more from Hannah and other such inspiring engineers on what having a career in engineering looks like today, and how they continue to champion women in the field in the Business West blog.