Data visualisation and presentation is a complex, multi-disciplinary problem involving human factors, psychology and graphic design. The quality of data presentation can influence the speed and fidelity at which problems or issues are detected by the human operator. Data used in monitoring factory operations, design, manufacturing and training activities is displayed in an actionable form, with its purpose to engage the user in the decision-making process. Creating new opportunities to present data to users, traditional dashboards used in manufacturing environments can be supplemented with immersive and haptic technologies.
This project will enable the presentation of historical to real-time data collected in digital engineering, including user-accessible dashboards and immersive AR/VR interfaces.
It will examine current data presentation best practice, extending it with user accessibility and immersive technologies in the role of digital engineering. In addition, research will be conducted into the use of immersive interfaces in engineering activities, education & training, and determine the best manner in which they can be used to enhance user experience. Test cases will be drawn from operational activities such as material preparation, handling and processing, or from design studies such as factory simulation to generate feedback from the user or to train them.
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