The use of Artificial Intelligence to enhance engineering design
The DETI industrial project with partner CFMS investigates the challenges associated with the use of AI/ML techniques to understand their value and limitations in the automation of aircraft design challenges.
Automated detection to improve sustainability and reduce waste for composites
Learn how the University of the West of England’s Centre for Machine Vision uses machine learning to automatically detect defects in raw and processed composite materials, which can help reduce waste and cost for composite industries.
Optimising the design of a composite hydrogen pressure vessel
The use of Multi-Disciplinary Optimisation (MDO) techniques offer industry a new approach to product development, redesigning and remaking products with a focus on net-zero - including the design of a Type IV composite hydrogen pressure vessel, exploiting the benefits that digital design technologies can enable.
Developing an immersive operations environment for manual tasks
Integrating and automating technologies to undertake manual tasks and processes offers many benefits. Supporting manufacturing workforces to use advanced digital technologies in these scenarios enables agility, flexibility and a competitive lead.
Developing next generation electric vehicles
The University of Bath, through the Institute for Advanced Automotive Propulsion Systems (IAPPS), has produced a report that includes a case study on Electric Vehicle (EV) Powertrain analysis and an electrothermal analysis of an EV battery pack.
Enabling the Digital Thread in small engineering projects
For organisations to embrace digital transformation, they must manage and control the Digital Thread, including those commonly required to be managed for small engineering projects.
Optimising satellite design with digital engineering
As part of its work with small to medium enterprises for DETI, CFMS has helped KISPE Space to examine and
develop the methods using digital tools, applicable to the Open Source Satellite (OSSAT) structural design with the aim to reduce a key driver in the cost of satellite production: the “touch time”.
Exploring the value proposition of digital engineering through industrial test beds
DETI has demonstrated digital engineering practice and concepts and developed a range of state-of-the-art physical and virtual industrial test beds. Learn more about the test beds available through DETI and its partners.
Developing efficient modelling of manufacturing capabilities
The Bristol Composites Institute at the University of Bristol has developed a simulation tool that provides uniquely fast, and accurate simulations for the manufacturing of composite components, which contributes towards effectively reducing waste, energy and carbon emissions.
Enabling Quantum-secure 5G enabled Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) for manufacturing
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) provides limited but powerful computing power at the edge of the network close to end user devices for low latency computing tasks, which is important for time critical manufacturing processes.
Encouraging Engineering Curiosity
A critical DETI Skills Inspire resource has been the development of new role modelling career cards for KS2 and KS3 children.
Exploring how servitisation could unlock profits for South West manufacturers
Servitisation could be key to unlocking regional growth, such as in the South West of England and Wales – an area rich in manufacturing sub-sectors including aerospace and defence.
Adopting the Internet of Things to provide a top-class service for customers
Slowly but surely, manufacturing businesses are beginning to move away from product-only business models, exploring ways to unlock new revenue streams through servitisation.
Transforming manufacturing using Self-Adaptive Manufacturing Processes (SAMP)
SAMP are processes that have been created to overcome manufacturing variation and deliver right every-time products. This is particularly pertinent to sustainability demands to reduce waste, energy and carbon emissions.
Visualising sustainability and engineering solutions
DETI Skills Inspire partnered with I’m an Engineer to host the Youth Engineering for Environmental Sustainability Summit (YEESS), ahead of the UN climate change summit COP26 which took place in Glasgow November 2021.
We Make Our Future
For COP26, the DETI Skills Inspire team, in collaboration with planetarium experts Explorer Dome, created a new experience to celebrate the ingenuity of human engineering.
The West in Minecraft
Using the incredibly popular block-building video game ‘Minecraft’, DETI Skills Inspire have been exploring digital engineering in the West of England with local children.
Digital Now Issue 1
Pioneering results in the first year of DETI
In its first year, DETI produced pioneering results and undertaken vital research to accelerate digital adoption in engineering using a series of industrial test beds. The first issue of Digital Now highlights key learnings from the DETI Skills team, who worked closely with schools and colleges in the West of England to deliver inclusive STEM careers outreach in the form of innovative learning opportunities and events. Read more about the research highlights announced in the news announcement.