ReDisCoveR Composites

The ReDisCoveR project was set up by the High Value Manufacturing Catapult (HVMC) to build a community to interrogate the major challenges faced by composite materials at end of life.

This is a cross-Catapult project, with the team consisting of experts from the NCC, the Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC), the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), the Centre for Process Innovation (CPI), the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) and Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG).

Since ReDisCoveR was set up in April 2019, the project team has been engaging with key organisations in the supply chain to identify the perceived largest value opportunities in composites end of life.

From this, a series of 24 projects have been scoped around four streams (Recycling, Disassembly, Circular Materials, and Reuse) that have the potential to capitalise on these opportunities and begin to solve the issues faced by composites at end of life.

See the links below for details on these projects:



Circular Materials


ReDisCoveR Composites conference – November 2019

The ReDisCoveR team would like to thank all those who contributed to, attended, and helped facilitate ReDisCoveR Composites on 12 November at the NCC.

The day was attended by over 100 experts from industry, academia, and HVMC, and saw representation from the aerospace, automotive, rail, marine, renewables, oil and gas, defence, and fashion sectors. This whole supply chain representation indicates just how universal the topic of circular economy and end of life is within the composites industry, and begins to demonstrate the scale of the opportunity.

Four workshops were held - one for each of Recycling, Disassembly, Circular Materials, and Reuse – with facilitated discussions around the 24 projects that have been scoped. During these workshops, the team gained invaluable insight from industry experts, helping to shape the direction of the programme moving forwards.

Next steps

The team are now in the process of analysing this data and identifying the key opportunities, and will shortly be disseminating information.


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