Thursday, 16 Nov 2023
Join the Bristol Composites Institute and the National Composites Centre for our annual joint conference on Thursday 16 November 2023, hosted at the Wills Hall Conference Centre in Bristol.
The BCI and NCC’s partnership unites industry-focused innovation with academic excellence and cutting-edge research to advance the field of composite materials. Together, we are pushing the boundaries of composite technology and leading the way in shaping “Composites of the Future”, this year’s conference theme.
The day will include a series of technical presentations, followed by a keynote lecture and a panel session.
09:30 Registration
10:00 Welcome to Composites of the Future: Tomorrow's Materials and Applications
10:05 Overview of BCI by Ole Thomsen and Stephen Hallett, BCI Co-Directors
10:25 Overview of NCC by Matt Scott, Chief Engineer for Capability
10:45 Q&A
10:50 Coffee break
11:00 Technical Presentations with Q&A focusing on:
Sustainable/Natural Materials - Exploring how materials of the future will meet the responsibility to reduce embedded carbon and have a smaller environmental impact.
Speakers: Susie Morton (Research Engineer, NCC), Iheoma Nwuzor (Research Associate, BCI), Kyle Pender (Advanced Research Engineer, NCC)
CMCs for High Temperature Applications - Exploring the use of Ceramic Matrix Composites in a future fusion reactor for clean and abundant energy.
Speakers: Virtudes Rubio (Principal Research Engineer in Advanced Materials, NCC), Luiz Kawashita (Senior Lecturer, BCI)
Future Structures - Re-thinking how composites can be designed to unlock functions and performance.
Speakers: Michael Wisnom (Professor of Aerospace Structures, BCI), Rainer Groh (Senior Lecturer, BCI), Phil Druiff (Advanced research Engineer, NCC)
12:45 Lunch & networking
13:45 Keynote lecture by Alison Green, Vertical Aerospace "How Composites will help Disrupt the Future of Air Travel."
14:15 Panel session and discussion – Composites of the Future: Tomorrow’s materials and applications. Panel chair Mike Hinton (HVMC), Marcus Walls-Bruck (NCC), Alison Green (Vertical Aerospace), Faye Smith (Avalon), Lourens Blok (Lineat), Pete Giddings (NCC), Fabrizio Scarpa (BCI), Jonathan Meegan (Solvay)
15:45 Close