Tuesday, 05 - Wednesday, 06 Dec 2023
The National Composites Centre will be attending and exhibiting at Polymer Engineering for Energy.
Taking place place 5-6 December 2023, London, this international event is includes a conference, exhibition and networking event for organisations focused on polymer-based products and solutions for the energy sector, including oil and gas. The full range of non-metallic materials will be addressed, including polymer composites, thermoset resins, thermoplastics, and elastomers. While the sector diversifies, there is an ever present requirement to continual development of material solutions for challenging environments. Operators continue to meet new challenges, pushing operational experience and materials’ durability with increasingly harsh conditions which include increasing levels of sour gas and CO2, deep water offshore production, high pressure and temperature operation (HPHT) and exposure to ice and abrasive conditions.
To make an appointment with the NCC Energy team at the event, email: [email protected]