Tuesday, 22 Mar 2022

The National Composites Centre is facilitating a series of Technology Days as part of the Composites Technology Forum for UK Defence. Each event will focus on a priority technology theme that has been identified and selected from a consultation with industry and the Ministry of Defence.
Each Technology Day will provide a collaborative discussion space between the Forum Steering Board, the UK industrial supply chain and academic communities that is focused around one of the priority technology themes.

Technology Day 1: Composites Survivability
Date: Tuesday 22nd March 2022
The first Technology Day will focus on composites survivability. We are inviting interest on the following topics:
- Shock load on composite in defence
- Impact resistance in defence
- Ballistic resistance in defence
- Blast resistance in defence
- Impact/ballistic modelling for composites
- Testing for impact and ballistic on composite
- New materials and manufacturing technology for impact/ballistic/blast protection
** The window for Expressions of Interest has now closed **
We are currently reviewing all submitted abstracts. If you have submitted an abstract, we will be in touch with you shortly.