Thursday, 19 Mar 2020
This free workshop will introduce the curing problem as thermosetting resin converts from an initial liquid to a glassy state, and present case studies for the participant to identify and solve. We will use a combination of theory, and interactive demonstration using SimpleCure in this problem-solving workshop.
A previous workshop was given in March 2019, with the industry participants learning: “How the tool thickness and temperature influences the cure properties of a part, and how the SimpleCure software can predict these properties. ” The past year has included developing an automated method to fit DSC data needed for thermal management.
This workshop will help select and characterise composite materials, define processes and tooling, and virtually verify part equivalency. Practical examples will include thick and variable thickness composite laminates, the effect of different tooling materials, and why autoclaves have shorter cycle times than ovens.
Topics to be covered
Simulation of part temperature
Material input data / cure kinetics
Process properties
Deviation from nominal cure profile
This event runs from 10:00 - 15:00, with the morning session (10:00 - 12:00) also available as a webinar. Please register through Eventbrite (link below) and select 'Webinar' as the ticket option.