An introduction from Tim Bowles, the West of England Mayor
Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor talks about cementing the foundations for the West of England as a thriving high value, advanced engineering and high-tech region with global reach
Welcome to the first edition of the DETI newsletter. In the coming months, we will share updates on our new digital engineering programme and the results of the many projects and studies to be conducted. We will highlight new initiatives in skills development, inspiring the next generation across the West of England in the opportunities for careers in digital engineering. We will also be inviting thought-leaders working within the programme to share their views on the challenges and the opportunities ahead, as digital begins to transform the way we design and manufacture.
Tim Bowles, West of England Mayor talks about cementing the foundations for the West of England as a thriving high value, advanced engineering and high-tech region with global reach
Marc Funnell, Head of Digital, and Director of DETI at the NCC, talks about how we must support manufacturers in their digital manufacturing transition
Dr James Gopsill, Research Fellow at CFMS and the University of Bristol, talks about his role to develop a joint digital engineering capability, pioneering new digital tools, methods and models that address challenges posed by the industrial strategy
Digital Catapult explores the outputs and learnings from its industry-first Connected Factory Trials undertaken with UK manufacturers, demonstrating how the application of IoT technologies to legacy factories can boost productivity
The DETI Skills team provide an update on the launch of the Diversity Demonstrator, and how to get involved in upcoming engineering outreach events and activities
Dr Hadi Abulrub, Programme Director at the University of Bristol, argues the key to facing environmental challenges lies in intelligent manufacturing, smart infrastructure, sustainable energy and engineering modelling
We learn about the conclusions from a workshop coordinated by The University of Bath’s IAAPS and the Institute for Digital Engineering, initiated to identify the major areas of challenge and opportunity facing the automotive industry in the arena of digital engineering
Register for the DETI Skills Digital Engineering Careers Fair taking place at Bristol Technology Festival